
The tagline “A tale of two old people with young hearts starting a new adventure” popped into my head when someone asked me what “Arriving at Tranquility” meant.

We are two people who are not physically youngsters any more, facing retirement. We are approaching, and in, our seventh decades on this earth. But, our spirits are as young as teenagers looking forward to those adventures of adulthood just around the corner.

Though we have had many adventures, what is life without a new one? When we knew we were really going to lose Josh we knew we could either stay here and mourn the rest of our lives away or figure out a new chapter and different adventures. Josh was always ready for the next adventure and he would want us to keep having them though he could only be with us in spirit.

So why go back to a childhood memory? How is that a new adventure? Some of the happiest memories of my childhood are from Gloversville. Well, Scott and I have always loved Victorian homes. Gloversville is old enough it has an abundance of them. Homes in Upper New York State are reasonably priced. Scott’s youngest daughter lives reasonably close by. And, it is not an area that is unreasonably hot a huge portion of the year.

Guess I still haven’t answered the “how is this a new adventure”? Well, when you have lived in the tropics for over half a century, going back to seasonal changes is a huge adventure in and of itself.

Refurbishing a Victorian cottage is a dream come true for both of us. Scott can’t wait to get his hands on his woodworking tools once we arrive.

Tilling the earth… yes, it is a tiny plot of land, but… “tilling the EARTH”… allowing the soil to squish between our toes… coddling… begging… reveling in the joy of picking fresh vegetables from our own small garden… how is this not the adventure of a lifetime?

This will sound yucky to some of you, but if you have ever farmed you will understand… I am looking forward to picking the rotten tomatoes off our tomato bushes. As a child this was not my favorite chore, but as an adult I cannot walk by a tomato plant without checking for a spoiled tomato. The scent of the tomato plant as you touch it… is life itself. If you have never touched or explored a tomato plant, I encourage you to do so as soon as possible. That is a true adventure!

So, having gone over some our reasoning, we probably should change our tagline to “A tale of two old people with young hearts starting new adventures!”

Please find your own new adventures each and every day… no matter where you live…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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