Kitchens, again…

Back to kitchens… Though we are not absolutely sure if we are moving the kitchen from the old location to the red room… though we are not sure if we are tearing down a wall… we are still progressing with our choices of what will be in our kitchen, no matter where it is located…

Today I want to offer ideas about our kitchen cabinets. After much searching we decided on a company to help us in our search. Kingsboro Lumber is located right in Gloversville and they have a kitchen cabinet department. Local company… Local people… As much as possible we want to support local.

The company they use for cabinetry is called Omega Cabinetry. Omega is a certified by the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA) Environmental Stewardship Program. This is a program committed to using environmentally responsible sustainable materials in their cabinetry, recycling waste, and using low emission coatings. Fills the criteria we wanted for our cabinets.

We love walnut, but you can’t put glazes on walnut. Plus, the shading just doesn’t work with our sink. Sigh… Alder is not strong enough. Maple didn’t have any designs we wanted. Oak is sturdy but they only had one style and it did not come close to suiting the aesthetics for our cottage. After much debating on the woods, designs, glazes and colors available, we settled on Cherry.

Our choices are very similar. None would be a terrible choice. We hope whatever design, glaze and color we choose it incorporates a warm Victorian cottage feel.

These are our options. And, today we are revealing our sink choice so you can compare the sink to the cabinet colors. We loved all your suggestions for a sink choice but, when it came to a final decision, we decided to go as organic as possible. Remember, our appliances are black.


These are our choices. Please, once again, give us your thoughts…

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