
We think that every home, large or small should have a name that reflects its personality and possibly that of the people living there. We decided our new home in Gloversville needed a name too! After much thinking, praying, asking, questioning, meditating, mulling, and discussing we decided our home should be named in some way that honors its past, yet showcases our hopes, our dreams, and our desires for each day and the future.

We want our home in Gloversville to be a tribute to how Josh lived his life; a home filled with hope, peace, love, joy, and whimsy. Our desire is that each person who sets foot on our property and is part of our lives will be filled with the wonders of everyday life we sometimes forget to embrace. We want everyone to enjoy the whimsical poetry of everyday activities, be they considered mundane or unique.

The name of our home, the name of our blog, the name of our way of life… tranquility… This is our tranquil sanctuary that we pray will always be an adventure of arriving at tranquility for all who visit, be they two-legged, four-legged or on wheels! So we decided our home should be called “Tranquility Cottage”.

Tranquility Cottage

Tea each afternoon awaits
Resting on the stove
Accept our warmth, it n’er abates
No need to ever rove
Quirky each and every day
Unusual to many
Inviting all to enter in
Lounge… relax… then go on your way
It may be Spring, or Fall, or Summer, when
The trees or birds or grass or bush, or…
Yards of flowers bestow so many wishes

Capricious though our home may be
Outlandish as we seem
Trust there is no need to flee
Take time… just sit and dream
Again… we offer love and hope
Gathering all your sorrows
Erasing all those hurts and aches… and dreaming of tomorrows.

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Arriving at Tranquility

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