
A small series of clippers, not hair, but Alberta style, clipped through our area. And they promise more clippers through our area over the next ten days or so. What is an Alberta Clipper? Official definition: “a fast-moving winter weather system originating in the lee of the Canadian Rockies that typically brings snow, high winds, and cold temperatures across the northern US” 

They are fascinating… bringing bands of snow, then, sunshine. Behind each clipper the air is cooler…causing temperatures to dip or plunge… depending on the power of that particular clipper.

It has taken us a while, but with each cold front that comes through we learn a new trick to keep warm. For sixty years we only had to worry about a chill factor two or three days every several years. (Hawai’i has gone through a chilly spell these last several weeks. And, I assure you, cold weather in Hawai’i is much more challenging than cold weather here.)

Yesterday we received about four inches of snow. Winter storm Jayden, expected to hit tonight, could bring anywhere from seven to eighteen inches. The higher the snowfall… the more insulated we are from the wind. Plus, I love snow! 

Those white flecks in the picture are snowflakes…

But we are getting the hang of cold weather and how to protect ourselves and our puppies. By next winter we should be real pros…

Tomorrow will start updates on construction around the cottage… 

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