Three Sides Exposed…

Living in a cooler climate, we are learning much about weather and home challenges. Rooms with three sides exposed to the elements struggle to stay warm in cold weather. We have two rooms with three-sides exposed to the elements… our kitchen and our master bedroom… They are struggling to remain even marginally warm…

The outside of our ‘three-sides’ exposed kitchen…
if you look up, you can see the back side of our master bedroom…

Today, our weather has warmed some, but we are still below zero and our cottage is complaining. The longer it remains cold the cooler the cottage grows. We finally broke down and added a space heater to our sewing/bedroom. We have the puppies in sweaters and covered with blankets. And, Scott and I are each holding one puppy, throws covering our legs. 

Warmth… they keep promising warmth… we shall see…

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