
Oh my… retirement looms and so many changes! We are switching from private insurance to Medicare and all the plan options. Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D… I feel as if I am back in school learning the alphabet all over again.

Part A covers the hospital… Part B doctor visits… Part C is for HMO’s and such… Part D is for prescriptions… sigh… then we move to Plans F, G, K, L, M, and N… all supplemental…

Fortunately, New York has one of the best supplemental insurance plans in the nation, but all of this is such a huge change. After calling AARP, after all we are older, we found that Plan N should work best for us. But, just going through all the options of each plan was exhausting.

So we have our retirement insurance in place…

We called the National Grid to have our electricity turned on only to learn we need to pass inspection first. So we sent our electrician to see if it was safe to turn things on while he rewires the house. After installing new plugs he can now call National Grid again and have electrical service restored to our home. So though our wiring is old, it is adequate for the moment.

Electrical started…

But, there are so many more items on our to-do list. We know that when we arrive in Gloversville we are walking into a major construction zone.

Eight years of accumulated dirt and dust removed… Ceilings will be down… Floors need refinishing… Lead paint must be removed… Decisions made about where our kitchen will be… but, through it all we will have a comfortable bed to rest our heads on at night and we shall survive…

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Arriving at Tranquility

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